Once we have established a health baseline or diagnosis for your horse, we can start to incorporate a management strategy to encourage healing and prevent injury. At MEC, we have the expertise and skill set to performance limiting conditions of the equine athlete with the below services.

Yearly health examinations are important for identifying any issues with your horses’ wellbeing. This includes checking the eyes, mouth, heart, lungs, skin, hooves and gastrointestinal tract.

Dental care is important for maintaining the equine athlete. We recommend 6 monthly dental examinations and use high quality equipment to ensure your horses’ mouth is cared for.

At the change of season it is important to check your horses’ manure for the presence of worm eggs. This helps us recommend the correct worming regime to keep your horse at its best. We also have information on yearly vaccinations such as tetanus, strangles and Hendra virus.

MEC provides a high standard of equine podiatry to both manage foot related lameness issues and keep your horse competing at the highest level. We have a wide range of high quality products sourced from around the globe along with the expertise and knowledge of how to apply the right orthopaedic shoe for your horse.

If we identify a musculoskeletal injury, we may need to design a graded return to exercise. We can write the program for you to perform at home to rehabilitate your horse back to soundness.
We also have a shockwave machine and therapeutic laser for the management of musculoskeletal injuries.